Over 23 months we paid Terry and Patti Shulman $28,750 in rent, always early, sometimes weeks early. We contacted them 4 times for issues about the house. Here's what happened. We contacted them:
- When the microwave broke.
- When wasps appeared in the house day after day and we couldn't figure out where they were coming from.
- After several nights of hearing animals running around the attic. What were they? Rats? I went up in the attic to check a couple of times but they stopped when they heard me and saw the beam of the flashlight.
- When the dryer broke and the dryer plug fused to the outlet. The melting plastic made the whole house smell like a chemical factory.
What did the landlords do?
- Nothing. We ended up buying a new microwave. After that I was always worried that the refrigerator or the AC would break. Then what?
- Nothing. I sprayed wasps as I saw them. Jeanine worried about the baby. They eventually stopped.
- Nothing. Well, they recommended that I plug any holes in the attic. I didn't see any. Jeanine worried. The animals only came back a couple of more times.
- Nothing. We ended up doing our laundry at a friend's place. A couple of times we used the washing machine and then hung the laundry to dry all around the dining room. What if the refrigerator or AC broke? Then what? Fortunately we moved before either of those issues arose.