The Resolution
Hi Craig this is [the] husband. all went well we got our money back. What i did you may not be able to do were you live. I live in the same town Terry lives in just his luck I found out were he and his wifes farm is . I called him up and told him I was prepared to go to his address and I told him his address and also I had no problem showing up at the Store Front condo and let people know that there is a problem with how Terry conducts his business he agreed to meet me and give me CASH. But he still claimed that he had deposited our money in our account but never showed me any receipts that he claimed he had I was very firm and didn't give a damn what he had to say and demanded he give me cash. [...] because thanks to things I read on your blog and I did mention he will not screw me over like he did the people in Richmond he change him attitude. Best thing be firmer with him and tell him you did chat with me not a problem and that you will go to any lengths to your money and you have to bug that crap out of him. I think he thinks this is a game and he met his match with me. [...] I just think he will continue to take advantage of people but he does not have the balls to face someone like me because of the way I handled it. When I read your blog that just made me pissed about the money [...] good luck brother...