"1) Extensive animal damage to the outside corner wallpaper and plaster in upstairs master bedroom.
2) Extensive removal of grass and weeds above lease-specified height.
3) Additional cleaning of dirty floors, bathrooms, and kitchen counters"
1. This claim is nonsense. The videos and pictures in the previous posts detail the overall condition of this very old wallpaper.
2. This claim is also nonsense. The grass was recently cut. The height of the grass can be seen in the video; the lease specifies that "landlord shall be responsible for all other yard maintenance" (see Section 14).
3. The house was left at least the condition as when we moved in. Jeanine spent all of Monday, July 5 cleaning. The cleanliness can be seen in the video. In fact the house may have been in better condition. There were extensive cobwebs when we moved in, and any place that was "out of site", for instance, under the wardrobe, was generally filled with dirt and dust bunnies.
We still haven't gotten our deposit back. Based on this email, it doesn't look good that we will.